I try to pull off her face with my hands. She already has a hole in the skin on her cheek so it's easy to get purchase. She is taller and louder and every time I try to speak, I snort.
I say you want to stay here. I'll leave. Even though the car is broken, you let me go.
By the abrupt end of my visit, the woman who had been my best friend in college thinks I want to have her children taken away and I am afraid she will kill me.
Copyright©2009 Dianne McKnight
Dianne McKnight's flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry appear in Doorknobs and BodyPaint, Tattoo Highway, riverbabble, flashquake, In Posse Review, Hobart, Mississippi Review online, The Green Tricycle, Pindeldyboz, VerbSap, Thieves Jargon, Cezanne's Carrot, Opium, and Six Sentences.