Storyglossia Issue 11, January 2006.


Amy Greene lives in Tennessee with her husband and two children. She is currently working on a novel about women in the South, while pursuing a degree in writing at Vermont College. She has other stories forthcoming in The Summerset Review and The Furnace Review.

Juan Gerardo Aguilar (aka Barry) was born in Zacatecas, Mexico, in 1976. He studied literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. His stories and essays have appeared in literary journals in his native country. Currently, he is working on Vicios, a collection of short fiction. For more information, visit La penumbra.

Toshiya A. Kamei is a first-year MFA student in translation at the University of Arkansas. Toshiya's translations of Mexican poetry and fiction have appeared in Amarillo Bay, SmokeLong Quarterly, Eclectica, Hobart, HeavyGlow, and The Pedestal Magazine, among others. In 2005 Toshiya was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Staci Leigh O'Brien Ph.D., has been published in Kalliope, The Connecticut Review, Karamu, the Rambunctious Review, and Spire (forthcoming). Her story "Star Babies" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Former editor-in-chief of The Cream City Review, she is currently teaching writing and working as a copy editor while struggling to midwive a new literary magazine for local high school students. She lives in southeastern Wisconsin with her husband, two teenagers, and one extremely well-fed cat.

D. E. Fredd lives in Townsend, Massachusetts. He has had fiction and poetry appear in several literary journals such as The Transatlantic Review, The Southern Humanities Review, and The Paris Review. He teaches Writing and Literature at New Hampshire Community Technical College.

Linda Ellis was born in Brooklyn, and is currently working on her first novel "Baseball Stories".

Peter Anderson is an aspiring fiction writer who has previously published non-fiction pieces with Gapers Block and This is Grand, and has an upcoming short story publication with Zisk. "Ectoplasm" is his first published work of fiction. Be sure to also check out his blog. He lives in Joliet, Illinois with his wife Julie and daughter Madeleine.