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Mette is 6'1". Medium length blonde hair. Brown eyes. The face of a young goddess. She was a friend of a friend I'd met at a party. Neither of us knew anyone else so we got stuck talking to each other. She was studying to be a nurse and had just broken up with her boyfriend two weeks earlier.
     We had a few things in common. We'd both recently been dumped. We both wanted to dance are sorrows away. We both weren't big fans of techno but preferred hip hop dance beats. Neither of us liked the bar where our mutual friend hung out but instead preferred the Australian bar directly across the street because we could go and dance until dawn. Neither of us were that into the "grinding" style of dancing preferring a more loose-orbit style. We both liked eminem, with her being slightly more unadulterated about it. Did I mention she was nineteen?
     After going out a lot, we started to get bored of the Australian Bar and neither of us knew the city well enough to branch out and find new A-Bar-like dance clubs. We started hanging out at her house way out near Herlev. I was homeless for part of that time so she let me stay there a few nights.
     We spent some time talking about the film. She thought she might teach me Danish even though it was a lost cause.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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