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Rasheed SMSed me from his car this morning on his way back from a quick trip to Berlin saying he had some ideas for "my world". This indicates several things. One is that he and Teshawn have been discussing my film behind my back because I'm almost certain Rasheed would have forgotten any mention of any film idea the night I first pitched it to him. It also indicates that Rasheed is considering his role in my film despite the fact that until a brief allusion to it a few days ago, I had not mentioned word one about said film since that night, two nights after the murder. I mentioned to him in that recent conversation that he probably won't like the script because it's not the type of thing he would dig. Even though he hasn't read the script, he has now implied his involvement which to me is even more evidence that Teshawn has been discussing the project with Rasheed and undermining the weight with which I was considering Rasheed's introduction to this whole ordeal. God only knows how Teshawn explained it to Rasheed. For this reason, I have a feeling these ideas Rasheed has for "my world" that have been brewing for twelve hours in a lonely car ride through East Germany are bound to be for a completely different film.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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