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Teshawn is a self-proclaimed dreamer. I heard him say this in an argument he had with Rasheed at a bar named Tamu with a waterwheel out front. I felt a little responsible for the argument because I'd commented about how disappointed I was that the wheel wasn't turning when we arrived. Teshawn quickly decided to take it upon himself to personally find a way to get the wheel turning. That's Teshawn's style. A little bit out of control but in a passionate, reserved kind of way. He's a good guy to have underneath the basket.
     Rasheed was completely turned off by the idea, flashing Teshawn his patented fear/guilt/self-hatred inducing look of disappointment and disdain. This is what prompted the argument. In it, Rasheed called Teshawn an overgrown, 36-year old boy. Teshawn tried to remain calm but it was clear he was a little miffed. He then delivered the line, "Hey man. What can I say? I'm a dreamer."
     Before I got here, Teshawn sang in a Doors tribute band. It wasn't just a band that played Doors music. Teshawn invoked the spirit of the Lizard King. Each show was a passion play with a dramatic arc in three acts. This role as well as a featured part in an extremely successful Czech beer commercial made him somewhat of a celebrity among the natives here.
     His dreaming can get on one's nerves at times. He can be absent minded, forgetful, sometimes even rudely unpresent. But rarely is he acerbic or critical, making him the perfect third to Rasheed and I. However, we do not make for such a great basketball trio. He and Rasheed yell at each other a lot on the court. I turn the ball over too much.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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